Build The Best Version of Your Event

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Covid Prevention
“Creating True Value of Event”

Werkudara Event Management is focused on organizing corporate events.
Werkudara Event Management specializes in designing unique
activity or a new way of organizing events for corporate.

About Us
Meeting & Conference
Reception & Gala
Exhibition & Tradeshow
Training & Capacity Building
Social Function & Special Event
Virtual Event
Incentive Program

Our Destinations Around The World

Some of
Our Clients

What Our Clients Say

“Thank you so much for your wonderful arrangement.
Everyone was happy!

Dian Saptikasari - World Bank Indonesia

Terima kasih banyak Werkudara tim atas bantuannya, workshop CDV bisa sukses dan berjalan dengan baik 🙏🙏 sangat terbantu bgt selama acaraa, timnya juga gerceppp!! 😁 semoga next event bisa kerja sama lagi dengan Werkudara


“Such a pleasure to have worked with you all. Thank you for this sweet e-card.
Hope to work with you in the future as well”

Rachmalia Nikijuluw (Okkie) - UK-Indonesia Tech Hub Deputy Director - British Embassy Jakarta

“Thank YOU for all the preparations and the support during the session big compliment, this worked excellent!!”

Mr. Sascha Oppowa - Programme Coordinator GIZ Thailand Speaker on IETD 2020

“I’d like to know the team who design and run the virtual platform. Many thanks!”

Rui Luo - Deputy Head of Secretariat, Clean Energy Ministerial Participants on IETD 2020

“Please extend our deepest gratitude to the whole team of Werkudara that already supported this event into success, Every single details of ur work and dedication were appreciated!”

Gandabhaskara Saputra - Institute for Essential Services Reform

“Terimakasih kepada Team Werkudara atas kerjasamanya yang sangat professional dan mantap”

Taufan Admojo - Asosiasi Daerah Penghasil Migas dan Energi Terbarukan

Great job, kami puas dengan profesionalitasnya. Semoga bisa berjodoh lagi di lain acara”

Nani - Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia

“Teman2 team EO terimakasih atas kerjasamanya yg luar biasyah, Semoga werkudara makin terbang tinggi..

Broto Priyono, S. SiT., MT - Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau, Penyebrangan Palembang Kementerian Perhubungan

“Terima kasih buangeeettt buat Team Werkudara. Luar biasa Perfect

Theresia Sri Astuti - Mou Gelato

“Kemarin Werkudara keren ya… banyak temen2 aku yang appreciate”

United Nation Populations Fund

“Thank you so much ya atas assistance nya yang sangat profesional

Nancy Margried - Founder of Batik Fractal Speaker of Herfuture Programme Launch

Alhamdullilah terima kash ataz kerjasamanya n tim hebat werkudara group Mhon maf bila ada perkataan n perbuatan yg kurang berkenan di hati Terima kasihhh”

Chairul Anwar - Komisi Pemilihan Umum Republik Indonesia

“Was a complete pleasure to work with you all”

Puni Ayu Anjungsari - Citi Indonesia

Personalize Service On Your Journey

Transfer Arrangement

Big Bus
Medium Bus
Innova Reborn

A touch of luxurious accent and stylish details for more elegant feel. Receive our popular amenities during the travel in bus with selection of our fresh and local snacks & drinks that will be served to the passengers by our bus escorts, to refresh their day during the trip


Accommodation refers to the place where someone stays or lives temporarily. It can refer to any type of lodging, including hotels, resorts, vacation rentals, bed and breakfasts, hostels, and more. When planning an event, selecting the right accommodation for guests is crucial to ensure their comfort and enjoyment.

Entertainment & Talent

Various types of dance performances from traditional to modern can be performers in your event.

Audio & Visual

Electronic media possessing both
a sound and a visual component
such as LED Screen, videotron,
audio and lighting production


Production in an event refers to the planning, coordination, and execution of various technical aspects involved in putting on an event. This can include sound, lighting, staging, video, and special effects. The goal of production is to create a memorable experience for the audience by using technology and design to create a specific atmosphere and enhance the event’s message or theme. Decoration creates key aspect for visual representation for the theme and concept of an event. Every little details, knick knack on every corner of the event contributes to the big picture of the whole event.

Art & Creative Design

Creative design is a process that uses digital and physical image-making tools to create and visualise a product. It aims to produce unique and memorable designs that stand out, so that customers may easily identify a brand or product.


Registration is a process that is carried out before entering the venue of an event. Usually registration is required for events such as meetings, conferences, expo & exhibition, or private ones.